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Back in the Eighties Volume 02 - High Energy

Release: Back in the Eighties Volume 02 - High Energy

Back in the Eighties Volume 02 - High Energy

CD 1:

01.Alden Tyrell - Knockers.mp3
02.Alisha - Baby talk (MAxi).mp3
03.Carol Jiani - Hit and Run Lover (Maxi Version).mp3
04.Dee D Jackson - Automatic Lover '88.mp3
05.Divine - Native Love (Razormaid Special Mix).mp3
06.Donna Summer - I Feel Love (Original 12 inch).mp3
07.Evelyn Thomas - high energy (Maxi).mp3
08.Freeez - I.O.U. (Maxi-Version).mp3
09.Imagination - Just An Illusion (Original Mix).mp3
10.Irene Cara - Breakdancing (Original 7 inch).mp3
11.Maria Vidal - Body Rock (Extended Version).mp3
12.Marietta-Fire and ice (Special Ski Dance Mix).mp3
13.Mike Mareen - Love spy.mp3

CD 2:

01.Miquel Brown - So Many Men So Little Time (Maxi Version).mp3
02.Phyllis Nelson - I Love You (I Love you Mix).mp3
03.Pig Bag - Papa's Got A Brand New Pig Bag Pigbag.mp3
04.Roni Griffith - Spys (Original 7 inch).mp3
05.Sandra - Celebrate Your Life (Album Version).mp3
06.Shannon - Give Me Tonight (Maxi).mp3
07.Sister Sledge - Lost in Music [1984 Bernard Edwards & Nile R.mp3
08.Soif de la Vie - Darkness of Love (Original 12ii Mix)2.mp3
09.Taylor Dayne - Prove Your Love (MAxi).mp3
10.The Flirts - Passion (Original).mp3
11.Trans X - Living On Video (Maxi Version).mp3
12.Various - Pia Zadora - Let's Dance Tonight.mp3
13.Yello - Vicious Games (Original).mp3


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-Qualität : VBR-320 / 192 / 160 / 128
-Cover vorhanden? Nein
-Erscheinungsdatum : 04.Sept. 2005
-Grösse des File´s: 191 MB
-2 CD Sampler


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