WWE Anthology
Release: WWE Anthology

- Datum: 31.03.2005
1. World Wrestling Federation Signature
2. Real American - (Hulk Hogan's Theme)
3. Hitman - (Bret Hart's Theme)
4. Walkabout - (Bushwacker's Theme)
5. Together - (Randy Savage & Miss Elizabeth's Wedding)
6. It's All About The Money - (Million Dollar Man)
7. Snake It - (Jake The Snake Roberts' Theme)
8. Bad Boy - (Razor Ramon)
9. No Holds Barred Theme
10. Unstable - (Ultimate Warrior)
11. I Love You - (Brother Love)
12. Cool Cocky Bad - (Honky Tonk Man)
13. One Two Three - (1-2-3 Kid's Theme)
14. Sweet Lovin' Arms - (Bertha Faye)
15. Can't Get Enough - (Flash Funk)
16. I Know You Want Me - (Sunny)
17. I'll Be Your Hero - (Lex Express)
18. Sexy Boy - (Shawn Michaels)
19. Los Boricuas - (Los Boricuas)
20. Schizophrenic - (Mankind)
21. Smokin - (Smokin Gunns)
22. Sumo - (Yokozuna)
23. Snapped - (Sycho Sid)
24. Tell Me A Lie - (Shawn Michaels Farewell)
25. Enough Is Enough - (Owen Hart)
26. With My Baby Tonight - (Road Dogg)
27. Wild Cat - (Sable)
28. You Start The Fire - (Bret Hart Tribute)
29. Diesel Blues - (Diesel)
30. Dude's Shack - (Mick Foley)
31. Power - (Nation Of Domination)
32. Corporate Ministry - (The Corporate Ministry)
33. Dudester, The - (Dude Love)
1. Attitude Signature
2. Break It Down D-Generation X
3. I Won't Do What You Tell Me - (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
4. Ass Man - (Billy Gunn)
5. Brawl For All - (Theme)
6. Gold-Lust - (Goldust)
7. California Wrestle Mania XVI Theme
8. Who I Am - (Chyna)
9. Real Deal, The - (D'Lo Brown)
10. Deadly Game In Your House Theme
11. Ultimate, The - (Ken Shamrock)
12. You Think You Know Me - (Edge)
13. Blood - (Gangrel)
14. Ho Train, The - (The Godfather)
15. Fist - (DX/Mike Tyson)
16. Oh You Didn't Know? - (New Age outlaws)
17. Burned - (Kane)
18. Hello Ladies - (Val Venis)
19. Real Man's Man - (William Regal)
20. I Don't Suck - (Kurt Angle)
21. Latino Heat - (Eddie Guerrero)
22. It Just Feels Right - (Lita)
23. Sexual Chocolate - (Mark Henry)
24. No Chance In Hell - (Mr. McMahon)
25. Oh Hell Yeah - (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
26. If You Smell... - (The Rock)
27. Bad Man - (Rikishi)
28. Bangin' It - (Scotty 2 Hotty)
29. 13 - (Tazz)
30. We're Comin' Down - (Dudley Boyz)
31. My Time - (Triple H)
32. Rabid - (Chris Benoit)
33. How Do You Like Me Now? - (Hardcore Holly)
34. Dark Side - (take Undertaker)
35. Break Down The Walls - (Chris Jericho)
1. WWE Signature
2. Next Big Thing - (Brock Lesnar)
3. Dead Man - (take Undertaker)
4. At Last - (Christian)
5. I'm Back - (Eric Bischoff)
6. Eyes Of Rightousness - (Reverend D-Von)
7. Fight Summerslam Theme
8. (619) - (Rey Mysterio)
9. Time To Rock & Roll - (Trish Stratus/Lil Kim)
10. Eye Of The Hurricane - (The Hurricane)
11. King Of My World - (Chris Jericho/ Saliva)
12. All Grown Up - (Stephanie McMahon)
13. Need A Little Time - (Torrie Wilson)
14. Game, The - (Triple H)
15. You're Gonna Pay - (take Undertaker)
16. You Look So Good To Me - (Billy & Chuck)
17. End, The - (Judgement Day Theme)
18. Here Comes The Money - (Shane McMahon)
- Genre: OST
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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