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Rockabilly and Twist

Release: VA_-_Rockabilly_and_Twist-WEB-2019-ZzZz

Rockabilly and Twist

01. Sam Cooke - Twisting The Night Away 02:40
02. Bill Justis - Guitar Boogie 02:08
03. Cliff Richard - Do You Wanna Dance 02:13
04. Bill Black's Combo - Don't Be Cruel 01:58
05. Chubby Checker - The Fly 02:47
06. Chubby Checker - The Twist 02:37
07. John Zacherle - Let's Twist Again (Mummy Time Is Here) 02:19
08. Carl Mann - Baby I Don't Care 02:08
09. Ricky Nelson - My Babe 02:33
10. Tony Sheridon - Ya Ya 02:26
11. Roy Hall - Three Alley Cats 02:27
12. Joey Dee - Fanny Mae 03:44
13. Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly 02:06
14. Merrill E Moore - Buttermilk Baby 02:17
15. Johnny Burnette - Rock Billie Boogie 02:32
16. Scotty Moore - Mean Woman Blues 02:09
17. Sonny James - Uh-Huh-Mm 02:10
18. Vince Everett - Such A Night 02:25
19. The Champs - Tequila 02:09
20. Bill Haley - Birth Of The Boogie 02:14
21. Ronnie Self - Pretty Bad Blues 02:11
22. Bill Haley - See You Later Alligator 02:45
23. Fats Domino - Let The Four Winds Blow 02:18
24. Ray Hall - Diggin' The Boogie 02:35
25. Chubby Checker - The Hucklebuck 02:29
26. Chubby Checker - Let's Twist Again 02:22
27. Ivan - Real Wild Child 02:18
28. Chuck Berry - Johnny B Goode 02:38
29. The Champs - Go Champs Go 01:57
30. Bill Haley - Rock Around The Clock 02:12
31. Elvis Presley - Jailhouse Rock 02:33
32. Skeets Mcdonald - Heartbreakin' Mama 02:21
33. Bill Haley - Hot Dog Buddy Buddy 02:34
34. Wally Lewis - Lover Boy 02:23
35. Burt Blanca - Guitar Boogie Twist 02:14
36. Ricky Nelson - Believe What You Say 02:04
37. Johnny Burnette - Honey Hush 02:02
38. Jimmy Williams - I Belong To You 02:17
39. Slim Harpo - Don't Start Cryin' Now 02:11
40. Little Richard - Long Tall Sally 02:03
41. Danny - At The Hop 02:30
42. Joey Dee - Peppermint Twist 02:02


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