Big Hip Hop Freestyle Storm Rising Vol.1
Release: VA-Big_Hip_Hop_Freestyle_Storm_Rising_Vol_1-WEB-2018-iHR
01. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - The 00:01:47
02. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - You Never 00:02:26
03. Biz Scott Ciara - California Fame 00:02:51
04. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - 00:01:12
05. Cletus Eazy Drake - System Down 00:01:41
06. Rotten Undead Walker - Fake News and 00:02:41
07. Biz Scott Ciara - Eternal Work 00:02:28
08. Rotten Undead Walker - Creepy Visit 00:02:23
09. Biz Scott Ciara - Dark Lonely Day 00:02:24
10. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - 00:01:16
11. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Too Hard 00:02:24
12. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - Hey 00:01:13
13. Young Mighty Axwell - We Belong to 00:01:40
14. Cletus Eazy Drake - My Survival Story 00:02:17
15. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Stronger 00:01:40
16. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - Five 00:01:42
17. Young Mighty Axwell - Pay Me My Money 00:01:46
18. Cletus Eazy Drake - Good Mood Beat 00:01:35
19. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Raw Deal 00:01:42
20. Freestyle Hip-Hop Beat Factory - 00:01:11
21. Young Mighty Axwell - Empty Bank 00:01:44
22. Cletus Eazy Drake - Explosive Mind 00:02:17
23. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Midnight 00:00:55
24. DJ Unhappy Triad - Let's Do This 00:02:24
25. Young Mighty Axwell - Dream Bigger 00:00:38
26. Cletus Eazy Drake - Dreams Busted 00:01:40
27. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Heaven or 00:01:13
28. DJ Unhappy Triad - Latin Booty Drop 00:01:36
29. Young Mighty Axwell - Coffee and 00:02:29
30. Cletus Eazy Drake - Dark Melodic 00:01:45
31. Raw Rough Heavy Rap Beats - Dark 00:02:30
32. DJ Unhappy Triad - Just Getting 00:01:33
33. Young Mighty Axwell - Burning Sun 00:01:39
34. Cletus Eazy Drake - Classic 808 00:03:06
35. Lil Drake Savage - Trapped Again 00:01:38
36. DJ Unhappy Triad - Income Still to 00:01:30
37. Cletus Eazy Drake - Chicken Wings 00:02:00
38. Lil Drake Savage - Save My Poor Soul 00:02:36
39. DJ Unhappy Triad - Don't Believe 00:01:33
40. Young Mighty Axwell - Better Way 00:01:15
41. Biz Scott Ciara - World Full of 00:01:50
42. Kneez Crazy Pain - You Don't Know Me 00:01:57
43. Disturbed Monday Warrior - The 00:01:38
44. Rotten Undead Walker - Walking and 00:01:11
45. Kneez Crazy Pain - Star Saver 00:01:59
46. Disturbed Monday Warrior - Bass 00:02:28
47. Rotten Undead Walker - Smashed My New 00:02:02
48. Biz Scott Ciara - Strange Stormy 00:01:34
49. Kneez Crazy Pain - Man Down 00:01:54
50. Deep Hip Hop Rap Beat System - Phat 00:02:32
51. Rotten Undead Walker - Nod to Old 00:01:41
52. Biz Scott Ciara - Party Ain't Done 00:01:38
53. Kneez Crazy Pain - Destroyer of Life 00:01:51
54. Deep Hip Hop Rap Beat System - 00:02:24
55. Rotten Undead Walker - Keep the Good 00:01:36
56. Biz Scott Ciara - Lovely Day Today 00:02:30
57. Kneez Crazy Pain - Asian Lover 00:01:40
58. Deep Hip Hop Rap Beat System - Almost 00:02:28
59. Rotten Undead Walker - Jazz Groove 00:01:59
60. Biz Scott Ciara - Jazz Terminator 00:01:40
- Genre: Hip-Hop
- Qualität: 320 kbit/s
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