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House Oldschool Edition (30 House Classics 1989 - 1994)

Release: VA_-_House_Classics_(1989-1994)_(Oldschool_Edition)-2CD-2014-MST

House Oldschool Edition (30 House Classics 1989 - 1994)

01 Mackback - Stand Up (Spiritual Rave Dub) 05:03
02 Brothers in Rhythm - Such A Good Feeling (Inspiration Delight M 05:08
03 Nalj - Rush Me Tonight 04:43
04 A-Boy - Plexis 03:41
05 B-Boy - 7 Ways to Love (Extended Version) 05:42
06 Tony Carrasco Pres. Alexia Williams - Games (Club Mix) 05:08
07 Lee Marrow - Movin' (Extended Version) 05:19
08 Active - Side by Side (Club Mix) 05:21
09 Sarah J. - Desire (Long Version) 05:32
10 Selector - Move Your Body (Club Mix) 05:00
11 Annie Joyce - Everybody Singing (Extended Us Mix) 05:31
12 Isamar and Compania - Amor Suave (Sexy Soft Mix) 05:35
13 Cap and Family - Get You Some How (House Mix) 06:42
14 Tube Generation - That's the Way (You Want it) (Xtd Mix) 04:50
15 Dacia - You Might Need Somebody (Double You Version) 05:32

01 Multi Timbral - No Limits (Wink Mix) 03:53
02 Carrara Feat. Leyla - You Get Me Down (Extended Mix) 05:46
03 Zener - Heart 05:11
04 El Chico - House Music Lovers (House Version) 05:04
05 Donna - Rescue Me (Club Mix) 05:20
06 Luke Acid C - Work it to the Bone (Acid Version) 04:46
07 Nicky Hunter - Infatuation (Underground Evolution Dub) 06:01
08 Night Department - Deep Rhythm (Party Mix) 05:35
09 Thomas D - Rap to the Mix (Re-Max by Massimo Alberti) 04:29
10 F.R. Boyz Choir - Stop and Go (Hip-House Mix) 05:29
11 Mod N.4 - Judicta (Detroit Acid Version) 05:27
12 Friends Electric - Music for the People (Club Mix) 06:06
13 Z-Formation - Oh 04:23
14 St. Andrew's Gang - Etno Bass (Etno Version) 06:07
15 Fidelfatti - Next Love 05:39


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  • I don't recognize any of these songs but I will download it for the WINK mix on CD2.
    ZoRLaC am 25.04.2014 15:36 Uhr