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Lord of the Lost - Live at W O A

Release: Lord_of_the_Lost-Live_at_W.O.A.-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2024-ENTiTLED

Lord of the Lost - Live at W O A

01 Lighting The Way Intro LIVE at W:O:A 03:00
02 The Curtain Falls LIVE at W:O:A 03:04
03 Morgana LIVE at W:O:A 03:45
04 Kill It With Fire LIVE at W:O:A 03:44
05 The Future Of A Past Life LIVE at W:O:A 03:27
06 Dry The Rain LIVE at W:O:A 03:40
07 Under The Sun LIVE at W:O:A 05:31
08 Herz An Herz LIVE at W:O:A 01:41
09 The Look LIVE at W:O:A 05:26
10 Ruins LIVE at W:O:A 05:57
11 Blood Glitter LIVE at W:O:A 04:00
12 Full Metal Whore LIVE at W:O:A 04:08
13 Destruction Manual LIVE at W:O:A 03:59
14 Blood For Blood LIVE at W:O:A 04:14
15 Loreley LIVE at W:O:A 04:07
16 Die Tomorrow LIVE at W:O:A 03:42
17 Drag Me To Hell LIVE at W:O:A 04:02
18 La Bomba LIVE at W: O: A 04:17


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  • 1 Datei528,09 MB

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