Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against the Soul
Release: Manic_Street_Preachers-Gold_Against_the_Soul-REMASTERED-16BIT-WEB-FLAC-2020-ENRiCH
01. Sleepflower Remastered 04:51
02. From Despair to Where Remastered 03:34
03. La Tristesse Durera Scream to a Sigh Remastered 04:15
04. Yourself Remastered 04:09
05. Life Becoming a Landslide Remastered 04:15
06. Drug Drug Druggy Remastered 03:26
07. Roses in the Hospital Remastered 05:02
08. Nostalgic Pushead Remastered 04:14
09. Symphony of Tourette Remastered 03:32
10. Gold Against the Soul Remastered 05:39
11. Donkeys Remastered 03:11
12. Comfort Comes Remastered 03:27
13. Are Mothers Saints Remastered 03:20
14. Patrick Bateman Remastered 06:32
15. Hibernation Remastered 03:31
16. Us Against You Remastered 03:19
17. Charles Windsor Remastered 01:39
18. Wrote for Luck Remastered 02:42
19. Whats My Name Live Remastered 02:02
20. Sleepflower House in the Woods Demo Remastered 04:50
21. From Despair to Where House in the Woods Demo Rema 03:34
22. La Tristesse Durera Scream to a Sigh House in the 03:37
23. Yourself Live in Bangkok Remastered 03:45
24. Life Becoming a Landslide House in the Woods Demo 04:09
25. Drug Drug Druggy House in the Woods Demo Remastere 03:29
26. Drug Drug Druggy Impact Demo Remastered 03:31
27. Roses in the Hospital House in the Woods Demo Rema 04:54
28. Roses in the Hospital Impact Demo Remastered 05:12
29. Nostalgic Pushead House in the Woods Demo Remaster 04:03
30. Symphony of Tourette House in the Woods Demo Remas 03:21
31. Gold Against the Soul House in the Woods Demo Rema 04:41
32. Roses in the Hospital OG Psychovocal Remix Remaste 04:50
33. Roses in the Hospital 51 Funk Salute Remastered 05:46
34. La Tristesse Durera Scream to a Sigh Chemical Brot 06:32
35. Roses in the Hospital Filet O Gang Remix Remastere 06:23
36. Roses in the Hospital ECG Remix Remastered 04:47
- Genre: Rock
- Qualität: 923kbps 44.1kHz
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