Abigail Williams - In The Shadow Of a Thousand Suns
Release: Abigail Williams - In The Shadow Of a Thousand Suns

- Datum: 12.09.2008
1. I
2. The World Beyond
3. Acolytes
4. A Thousand Suns
5. Into The Ashes
6. Smoke And Mirrors
7. A Semblance Of Life
8. VII Empyrean: Into The Cold Waste
9. Floods
10. The Departure
- Genre: 80s
- Qualität: 192 kbit/s
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HinweiseGenre : Epic Black Metal
Country : UK
Year : 2008
This album is fucking EPIC. Pretty much perfectly delivered symphonic extreme metal (extreme metal being the not so clear hybrid of black and death metal). The Dimmu influence in this album is huge, obviously, but they expand upon it, creating a better album than Dimmu has for the last 10 years. Awesome black metal vocals, although I am a little disappointed they dropped most of the low growls. Very solid performance from all the musicians involved, but MOST of all their keyboardist. Holy shit, she stands out in this album. Very intricate piano lines throughout, intense and complex orchestral passages perfectly complementing the intensity of the other instruments, and even some awesome keyboard solos. Also, they pretty much dropped any traces of "core" in this album, for better or for worse (as it made them rather original, spawning the much-hated term "blackcore"), kind of like Job for a Cowboy with their album Genesis. The difference with them and JFAC is that these guys delivered an amazing symphonic metal album, whilst JFAC delivered a good, whilst not too original death metal album. Any fans of non-minimalistic extreme metal (yeah, you Burzum-worshiping losers will hate this album) need to check this album out. An album that needs to sink, but will definitely make my top albums of the year (top 10 most likely).
Country : UK
Year : 2008
This album is fucking EPIC. Pretty much perfectly delivered symphonic extreme metal (extreme metal being the not so clear hybrid of black and death metal). The Dimmu influence in this album is huge, obviously, but they expand upon it, creating a better album than Dimmu has for the last 10 years. Awesome black metal vocals, although I am a little disappointed they dropped most of the low growls. Very solid performance from all the musicians involved, but MOST of all their keyboardist. Holy shit, she stands out in this album. Very intricate piano lines throughout, intense and complex orchestral passages perfectly complementing the intensity of the other instruments, and even some awesome keyboard solos. Also, they pretty much dropped any traces of "core" in this album, for better or for worse (as it made them rather original, spawning the much-hated term "blackcore"), kind of like Job for a Cowboy with their album Genesis. The difference with them and JFAC is that these guys delivered an amazing symphonic metal album, whilst JFAC delivered a good, whilst not too original death metal album. Any fans of non-minimalistic extreme metal (yeah, you Burzum-worshiping losers will hate this album) need to check this album out. An album that needs to sink, but will definitely make my top albums of the year (top 10 most likely).