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Crimes of Passion - Crimes of Passion

Release: Crimes of Passion - Crimes of Passion

Crimes of Passion - Crimes of Passion

01. A thousand strong
02. The me I lost
03. God made me your angel
04. Unbreakable
05. Fight you on my own
06. Die alone
07. Pretty in blood
08. Breathless and beautiful
09. Where no-one speaks your name
10. Exit wound
11. Dream of me


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Genre : Hard Rock
Country : UK
Year : 2008

Crimes of Passion are a band from Rotherham, England who were created by the break-up of Deadline and Tikaboo Peak in November 2005.

In March 2006, shortly after touring as Deadline, former vocalist with that band Steve Lunn announced he was leaving. Dale Radcliffe was recruited to the vocal duties. Four songs were rapidly penned and recorded at Orion studio, Kilnhurst, with a view to being handed out free.

Promoter Keiron Dargan suggested that they changed their name to distance themselves from the old Deadline, and using some of the words from one of the recently penned songs they chose Crimes of Passion. He also suggested that due to the bad press Deadline had received, Crimes of Passion kept themselves secret and their first gig should be at the Pre-Show to the Firefest festival in Nottingham on November 25th.

In December Crimes of Passion played the Classic Rock Society Autumn Rokfest festival supporting Danny Vaughn, establishing them as a powerful live act.

2006 was a fairly quiet year for Crimes of Passion, with the band mainly spending time writing a full album, however, the year culminated in a European tour with White Lion through Nurnburg, Aschaffenburg, Bochum, Vossellaar and Veert. The UK leg of the tour was abandoned due to illness and Crimes of Passion played Birmingham JB's alone.

2006 also saw a short tour with Statetrooper.

In early 2007, Crimes of Passion began the recording of their debut album, again using the local studio Orion, in Kilnhurst. This commenced through the summer and was completed by August. Mixing was performed by It Bites vocalist John Mitchell and mastering was performed by Tim Turan.

Crimes of Passion released a version of the previous EP using the new recordings. The original has since become quite rare and collectible.

In January 2008 a small tour with Great White was booked, however, bassist Kris Hudson-Lee had an accident at work resulting in 2 broken ribs and a bad foot injury which nearly led to the abandonment of this tour, however, Kris decided to continue and did so using painkillers and sedatives to keep his pain under control.

In February 2008 shortly after the tour with Great White, Kris announced that he was leaving the band in June 2008, first on his own blog, and then on the official Crimes of Passion website[1]. His replacement was chosen as Simon Fearn, a bassist previously known by Dale Radcliffe. His debut with the band was on 23rd May 2008 at Ruskins in Sheffield for the album release.

On 14th June 2008, Kris Hudson-Lee was scheduled to make an appearance with the band as Sheffield Corporation, however he didn't appear. His blog states that he "went observing", causing speculation that the relationship between them and him had broken down.

On 16th June 2008 Kris's blog showed a statement[2] clearing up that he was still talking to the band and that it was purely speculation.

The band have currently toured the UK supporting Statetrooper, Jeff Scott Soto, Great White & Vaughn (Danny Vaughn) were tour support on the ill-fated White Lion in December 2006 which was abandoned after the Belgian shows due to Mike Tramp having lost his voice.

Discography :
Crimes of Passion EP (Independent) (2005) Crimes of Passion (2008) (Vigilante) (released June 2008)


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