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The Cute Lepers - Can't Stand Modern Music

Release: The Cute Lepers - Can't Stand Modern Music

The Cute Lepers - Can't Stand Modern Music

1. Terminal Boredom 2:07
2. Cool City 1:42
3. The News Is Always The Same 2:11
4. It's Summertime, Baby 2:25
5. Prove It 3:15
6. Modern Pests 2:19
7. (I'm) Out Of Order 1:52
8. Nervous Habits 1:25
9. So Screwed Up 2:05
10. The Day After The End Of The World 2:38
11. Opening Up 2:29


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Artist: The Cute Lepers
Album: Can't Stand Modern Music
Bitrate: 192 kbps avg
Label: Blackheart Records
Year: 2008
Genre: Punk Rock
Store date : 2008-06-24

Originally, the idea for the band was that it was to be something equally influenced by first wave punk, mod - revival, power pop, and a retarded reverence for Johnny Thunders...oh yeah, with occasional hints of doo-wop, oldie rock 'n' roll and a load of female back-up vocals.
After some footwork, a west coast tour and a few sold out singles, The Cute Lepers are releasing "Can't Stand Modern Music", their first full length album. Lead by Steve E NIx of the seminal Seattle punk band, The Briefs, along with several other members of The Briefs, The Cute Lepers
debut album combines the attitude of punk rock, the style of mod and the polished sound of pop.


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