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Xandria - Now & Forever - The Best of

Release: Xandria - Now & Forever - The Best of

Xandria -  Now & Forever - The Best of

01. now forever 03:19
02. ravenheart 03:45
03. kill the sun 03:25
04. in love with the darkness 03:52
05. eversleeping 03:43
06. only for the stars in your eyes 03:13
07. the end of every story 04:52
08. the lioness 04:43
09. india 05:16
10. save my life 03:56
11. ginger 04:55
12. firestorm 04:50
13. some like it cold 03:59
14. black flame 03:31
15. like a rose on the grave of love 04:28
16. sisters of the light 03:39
17. mermaids (child of the blue) 03:44
18. drown in me 03:11
19. one word 03:37
20. lullaby 02:44

Total: 78:42 min


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ARTiST.......: xandria
ALBUM........: now and forever (the best of)
GENRE........: metal TRACKS...: 20
RELEASE DATE.: 06/13/2008 SiZE.....: 120,7 MB
YEAR.........: 2008 SOURCE...: cdda
LABEL........: Sony BMG QUALiTY..: lame3.97 V2
PLAYTIME.....: 78:42 min


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