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Bonny Billy - Little Lost Blues

Release: Bonny Billy - Little Lost Blues

Bonny Billy - Little Lost Blues

1. Little Boy Blue (2:23)
2. His Hands (5:30)
3. Black Dissimulation (3:53)
4. Southside Of The World (3:07)
5. I Confess (3:44) (Written-By - Kevin Coyne)
6. Less Of Me (2:17)(Written-By - Glen Campbell)
7. Barcelona (5:43)
8. Let's Start A Family (Blacks) (3:17)
9. Little Boy Blue 2 (3:09)
10. I Am Drinking Again (10:31)
11. Crying In The Chapel (3:52


Für diese Downloadart benötigst du die Software eMule oder einen vergleichbaren P2P-Client.

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Bonus CD of the Album "The Letting Go"

Time: 47:27min
Size: 56,29MB
Artist: Bonny Billy (Will Oldham aka Bonnie'Prince' Billy)
Album: Little Lost Blues


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