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N.E.R.D. - Seeing Sounds

Release: N.E.R.D. - Seeing Sounds

N.E.R.D. - Seeing Sounds

01. time for some action 03:43
02. everyone nose 03:27
(all the girls standing in the line for the bathr
03. windows 02:59
04. anti matter 04:02
05. spaz 03:51
06. yeah you 04:06
07. sooner or later 06:43
08. happy 04:35
09. kill joy 04:10
10. love bomb 04:36
11. you know what 04:31
12. laugh about it 04:08

Total: 50:51 min


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ARTiST.......: n.e.r.d
ALBUM........: seeing sounds
GENRE........: rap TRACKS...: 12
RELEASE DATE.: 06/05/2008 SiZE.....: 725 MB
YEAR.........: 2008 SOURCE...: cdda
LABEL........: InterscopeRec QUALiTY..: lame3.97 V2
PLAYTIME.....: 50:51 min

N.E.R.D. Seeing Sounds

You already know the story of the Neptunes Grammy Award
winning producers and songwriters Pharrell Williams and
Chad Hugo but the N.E.R.D. trio consists of Pharrell
Williams Chad Hugo and longtime friend and creative
wunderkind Shae Haley. The album is a blistering mash-up
of booming hip-hop beats and rollercoastering rock riffs
rumbling crunk rhythms and scintillating soul music.
Whereas their first album In Search Of... was an
imaginative exploration of identities and their second
album Fly or Die sought out the range of genres and
sounds that have influenced the group Seeing Sounds
grinds everything together evoking a sound that is
un-tethered by preconceptions and convention. It is also
an album that amplifies the style and attitudes that have
made Pharrell Chad and Shae transcendent cultural icons.

The Neptunes is what we do but N.E.R.D. is who we are.
Its our life says Pharrell. The three of them together
combine for uninhibited explorations of sounds emotions
and truth adhering to no agenda subscribing to no rules.
N.E.R.D. is the way they live their life they way they
see the world.



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