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Underoath - Survive Kalidoscope

Release: Underoath - Survive Kalidoscope

Underoath - Survive Kalidoscope

01. Returning Empty Handed (6:48)
02. In Regards To Myself (3:01)
03. It’s Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door (3:49)
04. You’re Ever So Inviting (4:09)
05. To Whom It May Concern (5:39)
06. A Moment Suspended In Time (3:53)
07. Young And Aspiring (2:49)
08. Writing On The Walls (4:06)
09. Everyone Looks So Good From Here (5:02)
10. Casting Such A Thin Shadow (6:13)
11. Moving For The Sake Of Motion (3:19)
12. A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black And White (4:55)


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Genre : Christian Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2008

I first discoverd this band on the Madden 07 soundtrack, their track was one of the few I could bear to listen to. The music they make is kind of a melodic metalcore (I hate that word, but thats what been adopted). Enjoy!

Underoath makes a triumphant, yet special return for all of their fans on Survive, Kaleidoscope. The release features not only a live CD, but also a full live set on a 16:9 widescreen DVD. The DVD features such hits as “They’re Only Chasing Safety”, “Define The Great Line”. The CD is 12 live tracks from select tour dates across the world!

Underoath is a Grammy-nominated Christian metalcore band from Tampa, Florida formed in 1998. They are currently signed to Solid State Records and are the label’s best selling band. After several line-up changes, Underoath’s only original member is drummer Aaron Gillespie. During the band’s early years, when they were fronted by former vocalist Dallas Taylor, Underoath displayed a more Deathcore sound, with double-bass drums and breakdowns. With Taylor, they released Act of Depression (1999), Cries of the Past (2000), and The Changing of Times (2002). Following his leave, Spencer Chamberlain became lead vocalist. The band then released They’re Only Chasing Safety (2004) and Define the Great Line (2006), gaining a certified gold rating and the highest-charting Christian album on The Billboard 200 since 1997, respectively. These two albums gave them more mainstream and commercial success.


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