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Patrice - Free Patri Ation

Release: Patrice - Free Patri Ation

Patrice - Free Patri Ation

01. clouds 03:13
02. another one 03:23
03. dove of peace 04:03
04. is it me 03:22
05. praise his name 03:10
06. same ol story 03:47
07. justified 04:29
08. he dont answer 03:54
09. no screwface 04:01
10. appreci luv 03:24
11. do things to you 02:16
12. speeding into the dark 04:07

Total: 43:09 min


01 Praise His Name(Unplugged) 03:29
02 Babylon Is Against Me 05:39
03 My Place 05:17
04 Different Now 05:35
05 Clouds (Alpha Version) 03:16

TOTAL: 23:16


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ARTiST.......: patrice
ALBUM........: free patri ation
GENRE........: reggae TRACKS...: 12
RELEASE DATE.: 05/21/2008 SiZE.....: 509 MB
YEAR.........: 2008 SOURCE...: cdda
LABEL........: Barclay QUALiTY..: lame3.97 V2
PLAYTIME.....: 43:09 min


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