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Inquested - The Red Chambers

Release: Inquested - The Red Chambers

Inquested - The Red Chambers

1. Casualty and the twisted
2. Eliminate
3. Hollow sleeper
4. Headless
5. Scarfaced
6. The underworld
7. Human failure
8. Renevatio (instrumental)
9. Ghost of existence


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Genre : Thrash Metal
Country : Norway
Year : 2008


Vebjørn Gulli (vocals / guitar), Eirik Grimnes (guitar), Sondre Engebretsen (bass), Stian Strand (drums)

Inquested was brought to life in early 2003. Inquested is kind of a coallision between 2 different bands. These two bands were Borgorn and Redrumdeus.
Borgorn started in 2000 with 4 people from the dark valleys of Hallingdal. The band had one gig with this lineup before some of the members quit the band and a few guys from Kongsberg took over. The band got a new drummer, Stian and a new bass player, Håvard. With this lineup the band had two gigs in Gol and Nesbyen. After this gig Vebjørn moved to Kongsberg and his good friend Erlend had to quit the band because he was going to school and it was too far away from Kongsberg. At this point Borgorn were looking for a new guy on vocals, but had some trouble finding one. Instead Eirik showed up with his great guitar playing and the band decided he could contribute a lot, so he became a member. After a month or so his brother, Harald, joined Borgorn and that was the final line-up. They played a gig in Rockefeller, Oslo before the drummer moved to Trondheim and the band was pretty much broken up.
Redrumdeus was Eirik's original band and all his music-writing was for this band. The line-up for this band was Eirik on guitar, Stian on guitar, Vebjørn G on drums and Håvard on bass. The band's style was more power-metal than anything else so they were looking for a clean vocal for a long time, but they couldn't really find anyone. After some time Stian and Håvard moved to Trondheim and the band was a guitarist and a bass player short. The natural choice then was Sondre, Håvards brother, on bass and Vebjørn who Eirik had some experience with in Borgorn. Vebjørn picked up the vocals after a few months in Redrumdeus, the band name was changed and Inquested was born.
Vebjørn G quit the band at about the same time as Stian was finished with his two years in Trondheim so Stian rejoined the band as the drummer. This is the Inquested current line-up.
Inquested hopes to deliver hard-hitting, technical and groovy metal to all you metal-heads out there.
Inquested foundation rests firmly on thrash-metal with a good dose of melody to it. Also elements of other styles in the metalgenre. They take these influences and come up with their kind of music.

Powerful, technical and melodious metal provided of strenght, virtuous solos, sharp guitars, clean and ripping vocals, and a versatile rythm section. We can refer as the band influences to the thrash metal sound from acts like Metallica, Forbidden, Megadeth or Exodus, spiced with some hints from the death metal of Arch Enemy or Carcass, a few of classic rock/metal and even riffs that sounds near to black/death, but all adapted to its own style.

The thrasher scene is provided with new blood. Thrash Til death!!!


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