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Textures - Silhouettes

Release: Textures - Silhouettes

Textures - Silhouettes

1. Old Days Born Anew
2. The Sun's Architect
3. Awake
4. Laments of an Icarus
5. One Eye for a Thousand
6. State of Disobedience
7. Storm Warning
8. Messengers
9. To Erase a Lifetime


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Genre : Progressive Death Metal
Country : Netherlands
Streetdate : 21.04.08


Pieter Verpaalen (vocals), Jochem Jacobs (vocals / guitar), Bart Hennephof (guitar), Dennis Aarts (bass), Richard Rietdijk (keyboards), Stef Broks (drums)

Tilburg based progressive Death Metal act established in 2001 by members of EMPTY, frontman Rom De Leeuw, bassist Dennis Aarts and drummer Stef Broks. TEXTURES debuted for Listenable Records with the 2003 album 'Polars'. The TEXTURES credited guitarist 'Bastærd' also operates fellow Death Metal act BRUTUS. After signing a recording deal with the French based Listenable Records TEXTURES parted ways with singer Pieter Verpaalen in January 2004, replacing him with ex-BRAINSHAKE man Eric Kalsbeek.

High profile gigs in June included an appearance at the French 'Fury' festival and notable supports to MESHUGGAH, MORBID ANGEL and THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN. Gaining further exposure, the band would win the coveted Essent Award for 'most promising act'. Not only did this benefit the band by way of a major promotional push but also granted them inclusion on the billing at the Netherlands' largest festival, 'Lowlands', in August. However, bassist Dennis Aarts would be diagnosed with pneumothorax that same month and, being hospitalised, would relinquish his position to IN-TENSION's Robin Zielhorst to complete the shows. Further touring across Europe in October had the band allied with Australians ALCHEMIST.

In early 2005 Eric Kalsbeek forged a new Hardcore venture billed SENGAIA in collaboration with 37 STABWOUNDZ member drummer Roy Moonen. In April the band signed to Garden Of Exile Records for the 'Maelstrom' EP. TEXTURES marked a return in 2006 with the full-length album 'Drawing Corcles, delivered through Listenable Records. The band hooked up with TWIN ZERO for UK dates in July. TEXTURES supported ARCH ENEMY in Europe during December.

In January 2007 Jochem Jacobs acted as co-producer on album recordings for Utrecht's DETONATION. European concerts, kicking off on March 29th at the Magnet Club in Berlin, Germany witnessed a package deal with MISERY SIGNALS and ALL THAT REMAINS. For UK dates ETERNAL LORD were added to the billing.

TEXTURES announced the addition of bassist Remko Tielemans, from ISLE OF MAN and 37 STABWOUNDZ, in July. The band made its live debut with Tielemans on July 14th in Nijmegen. In side activity, vocalist Eric Kalsbeek guested on the track 'Attack Of The Overfiend' featured on OUTBURST's 2007 album 'Fair And Balanced'. Kalsbeek acted as studio guest on Berlin band THE OCEAN's conceptual November 2007 album 'Precambrian'.


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