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The B-52s - Funplex (Limited Edition)

Release: The B-52s - Funplex (Limited Edition)

The B-52s - Funplex (Limited Edition)


01 pump 04:54
02 hot corner 03:24
03 ultraviolet 04:26
04 juliet of the spirits 04:22
05 funplex 04:07
06 eyes wide open 05:36
07 love in the year 3000 04:15
08 deviant ingrediant 04:51
09 too much to think about 03:47
10 dancing now 04:02
11 keep this party going 04:31


01 party out of bounds (live) 03:47
02 channel z (live) 05:28
03 roam (live) 05:16
04 strobe light (live) 04:40
05 rock lobster (live) 05:33

Total Runtime: 72:51


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Artist : The B-52s
Album : Funplex (Limited Edition)

Genre : Pop
Label : Astralwerks

Source : CDDA
Size : 105,9 MB

Quality : VBRkbps
: 44.1kHz


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