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Distant System - Spiral Empire

Release: Distant System - Spiral Empire

Distant System - Spiral Empire

01. Distant System - Astropolis
02. Distant System - Equidistant
03. Distant System - Light Echoes
04. Distant System - Gravitational Vortices
05. H.U.V.A. Network - Time Circles (Distant System Remix)
06. Distant System - Outer Rim
07. Distant System - Cloud Nebula
08. Distant System - Astromech Starport


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Spiral Empire is an aural navigation through distant environments and deep space phenomena.

Distant System is as new divergent ambient and downtempo music project constructed by electronic producer Tyler Smith (aka Androcell).

This debut audio expansion is designed and sequenced for cerebral and explorative atmospheres.


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