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Kiuas - The New Dark Age

Release: Kiuas - The New Dark Age

Kiuas - The New Dark Age

01 - The Decaying Doctrine
02 - Conqueror
03 - Kiuas War Anthem
04 - The New Dark Age
05 - To Excel and Ascend
06 - Black Rose Withered
07 - After the Storm
08 - Of Sacrifice, Loss and Reward
09 - The Summoning
10 - The Wanderer's Lamentation


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Genre : Metal
Country : Finland
Streetdate 05.03.08


Illja Jalkanen (vocals), Mikko Salovaara (guitar), Teemu Tuominen (bass), Atte Tankskanen (bass), Markku Nareneva (drums)

A melodic yet blackened style Death Metal band out of Espoo, KIUAS was created during 2000. Vocalist Ilja Jalkanen, bassist Teemu Tuominen and drummer Markku Näreneva would also be active with ICONOFEAR. Military service would stall progress until recording of an inaugural demo, 'The Discipline Of Steel', issued in 2002. 'Born Under The Northern Lights' followed in February 2003. Signing to British label Rage Of Achilles the EP 'Winter In June' emerged in 2004.

KIUAS, OMNIUM GATHERUM, ELENIUM, MANITOU and AMORAL united for the November 2004 'Dead Achilles' tour of Finland. The band's debut full-length album, 'The Spirit Of Ukko' recorded at Studio Tauko, emerged on Spinefarm Records in May 2005. The album 'Reformation' entered the Finnish charts at number 21 in May 2006. Japanese versions of the record added a cover version of JETHRO TULL's 'Hunting Girl'.

The group performed at the TESTAMENT headlined 'Bloodstock Open Air' festival at Catton Hall in Derbyshire, UK on August 16th 2007. Mikko Salovaara contributed his skills to Sony BMG's November 2007 GUITAR HEROES album.


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