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The Long Blondes - Couples

Release: The Long Blondes - Couples

The Long Blondes - Couples

1. Century 5:37
2. Guilt 4:35
3. The Couples 3:37
4. I Liked The Boys 1:58
5. Here Comes The Serious Bit 2:48
6. Round The Hairpin 5:42
7. Too Clever By Half 4:25
8. Erin O'Connor 3:08
9. Nostalgia 3:12
10. I'm Going To Hell 5:58


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ARTIST : The Long Blondes
TITLE : Couples
LABEL : Rough Trade
GENRE : Indie
BITRATE : 183 kbps avg
PLAYTIME : 00:41:00
SIZE : 57.1MB
STORE DATE : 2008-04-00


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