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Tournesol - Weekend Superman

Release: Tournesol - Weekend Superman

Tournesol - Weekend Superman

01-Letting Go
02-Weekend Superman
03-Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
04-Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)
05-Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
07-Sound Of Silence
08-With Or Without You
09-All In My Head
11-Hotel California


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Genre : Hard Rock
Country : Denmark
Year : 2008

Tournesol has earned a reputation as a hard working constantly touring, extremely energetic and powerful live entity. It is their unique ability to express raw musical energy and combine this energy with the grandious and sincere and heartfelt emotions which has made the band a live favourite with a huge following across the country. These are the qualities you will hear on the debut album ”Weekend Superman”. Tournesols trademark has always been centered around powerful re-interpretations of some of the finest rock and pop classics ever written. With ”Weekend Superman” another dimension is added to this, namely suberbly crafted, strong, original songs. Songs written by the band and recorded with focus on melody, acoustic guitars, present vocals and embracing modern production standards. From Stage To Studio. During the recording process Tournesol has spent much time and energy in defining and refining the musical identity and expression of the band. Where Tournesol previously exclusively was a very busy live band, the band now has a current and unique release on the Danish music scene. Capturing the unique essence that charaterises Tournesol has required a lot of long hours in the studio and a few heated arguments on the tour bus. The results speak for themselves. Everybody who knows and loves Tournesol will immediately recognise the pulsating, energetic and totally unique, atmospheric music on the finished album. Tournesol Expands It has never been an urgent priority for Tournesol to release their own material. For nearly nine years the focus has been on the live gigs and life on the road. Nevertheless, the three band members Peter Buus, Henrik Mygind og Ole Østergaard have all over the past years been writing songs, and as natural follow-on from that they decided in the autumn of 2006 to write a set of new songs - the best of these are to be found on the album ”Weekend Superman”.


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