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Fold - Slowburn

Release: Fold - Slowburn

Fold - Slowburn

01. Fold - Camboia
02. Fold - Colophon
03. Fold - Day of the Dread
04. Fold - Pacific
05. Fold - Danse Champêtre
06. Fold - Red Rubber Dress
07. Fold - Castle Freak


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Stormtree was founded in 2000 by award winning Irish-based film maker and musician David Bickley.

It is home to Celtic-fusion outfit Hyper(borea) (voted top Irish Dance act in 1998). Stormtree are committed to producing atmospheric music that fuses many sources and in commissioning high quality visual material to complement its artists work.
Fold, consisting of David Bickley, Cork (Ireland) based composer/filmmaker, and Dare Mason, a record producer from Penzance (Cornwall), have recently completed their debut album, 'Slowburn'.
The pre-release demos of this LP have already received solid airplay in Ireland on the national station, 2FM. 2FM alternative music DJ and guru Dan Hegarty said: 'It simply blew me away'. Stormtree have also teamed up with TV production company Alchemy Electronic Arts and made 2 extraordinary videos so far for songs from this release
Fold intend to make a full DVD for additional distribution late 2008 and to use these and future productions as broadcast and web based marketing tools. Air play is imminent for both audio and visual material in Ireland, UK, France and Italy.


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