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Aeternal - Visiosonic

Release: Aeternal - Visiosonic

Aeternal - Visiosonic

01. Aeternal - Audiorgasm
02. Aeternal - Pedra del Sol
03. Aeternal - Charas Lovers
04. Aeternal - Full On!
05. Aeternal - Trance Cult
06. Aeternal - My Day
07. Aeternal - Extreme Action
08. Aeternal - Internos
09. Aeternal - Cosmic Beat


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Aeternal aka Zenzomix aka Enzo G.; a life devoted to music.

Early 80s plays in punk outfits in Rome, even then making newspaper headlines for the band's antics on stage. Matured, Enzo travels the globe, meeting what will be a lifelong friend Dr Franz, in Goa. In Goa between 80s and 90s, and it is here, thanks to DJs like Laurent that he developes a taste for the evolving trance scene..spends many seasons in Goa, and then returns in this millennium to find the place not what it used to be.but a constant positive evolution..the music.
Enzo has left this emisphere 16 years ago, and now he is a successful DJ, producer, studio owner, mastering engineer.lives in Noumea, big city on the biggest Island of New Caledonie Islandsand a community which, as far as trance music 'consumption' and party going is concerned, is second only to Israel.
Aeternal's sound is a kikcking Full On! Usable by DJs at night, twilight and even mornings..not too happy jumpy lighthearted melodic stuffbut seriously pumping clean acid energy!
This is the new Pacific frontier, beyond the barrier reefthis is Aeternal!



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