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Manilla Road - Voyager

Release: Manilla Road - Voyager

Manilla Road - Voyager

1. Tomb Of The Serpent King / Butchers Of The Sea
2. Frost And Fire
3. Tree Of Life
4. Blood Eagle
5. Voyager
6. Eye Of The Storm
7. Return Of The Serpent King
8. Conquest
9. Totentanz (The Dance Of Death)


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Genre : Epic Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2008

The title for the album is to be Voyager. It is a epic concept about a group of warrior Vikings fleeing the conversion era of northern Europe. It is what I would call historical fiction. To be brief our group of Norsemen,who will not let go of their belief in the old gods, venture along the eastern coast of the new world on a dragonship named the Voyager. They fight natives, wheather, sea storms and a psychotic bishop until their travels lead them to the coast of Mexico where they are accepted by the Toltecs as returning gods. Our hero leader of the Vikings helps the Toltecs in their war against the other tribes of the region and ...........well this is geting a little long winded for a posting here.

So onto the music. Sometimes it is hard for me to classify the music or describe it because I am not sure I hear things the way many other people do. Anyway I will tell you what I think. The style of this album seems to be a little darker than the last few efforts. It reminds me at times of the Mystification style of writing. The album goes through the whole gambit of musical styles. There is some acoustic stuff, a ballad, some hard rock and a bunch of heavy **** as well. There's spacey stuff, fast and furious stuff, crazy guitar solos and some of the best head bashing drumming that I have ever heard. I think I have done a better job on the production of this project with it sounding more full than our last efforts. It's epic and majestic. Dark and heavy. As a matter of fact this project is so cool that it might save you a bunch of money on your car insurance.


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