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Zimmers Hole - When you were shouting at the Devil

Release: Zimmers Hole - When you were shouting at the Devil

Zimmers Hole - When you were shouting at the Devil

01 when you were shouting at the devil.. 05:15
02 we rule the fucking land 03:51
03 flight of the knight bat 02:41
04 1312 02:53
05 devil's mouth 03:19
06 the vowel song 02:00
07 fista corpse 03:15
08 anonymous escophagus 03:00
09 alright 03:11
10 hair doesn't grow on steel 03:52
11 what's my name... evil! 06:33


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Genre : Alternative Metal
Country : Canada
Year : 2008

Born in 1991, Zimmers Hole (or affectionately,
just 'The Hole' will do) has been Jed and Byrons
'significant other' band when not busy with
Strapping Young Lad or Fear Factory. In the
beginning, it was always our way of spending the
weekend...the boys used to get together, drink
far too much, and write absurd songs. They have
'matured' somewhat, although maturity is highly
overrated as far as these guys go...but 2
remarkable albums, successful tours, and a
string of absolutely unforgettable shows has put
the mighty ZH on the lips of many... While these
guys are always busy with their main
bands...everyone has been asking when there will
be another ZH album...the answer is soon, my
friends, soon... Do you 'Shout' or are you 'In
Full Record Title is "When You Were Shouting At
The Devil... We Were In League With Satan". Had
to cut it to make it fit...


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