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Pillar - For the Love of the Game

Release: Pillar - For the Love of the Game

Pillar - For the Love of the Game

01. For The Love of the Game (3:50)
02. Turn It Up (3:50)
03. Reckless Youth (3:29)
04. State of Emergency (4:46)
05. Smiling Down (3:27)
06. The Runaway (3:09)
07. Throwdown (3:58)
08. Get Back (3:25)
09. I Fade Away (3:41)
10. Forever Starts Now (4:16)


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Genre : Nu Metal
Country : USA
Streetdate : 26.02.08


Rob Beckley (vocals), Noah Henson (guitar), Kalel (bass), Lester Estelle (drums)

The band is a machine that I just haven’t kept up with. Releasing a new album of some sort practically every year since 1999 is downright impressive. With that kind of track record you might expect sloppy efforts and although I can’t really speak to prior albums, “For The Love of The Game” is quality work.

Pillar doesn’t leave anything to chance as they want to make sure they have you hooked right out of the gate. The first two tracks are probably the catchiest the record has to offer. Whether the songs are the best is debatable but what isn’t is that they are some sugary rock songs.

I like “Reckless Youth”, I also liked it when it came out on Dead Poetic’s last album under the name of “Narcotic”. Okay okay so they aren’t the same songs but the chorus’ melody is reminiscent enough to make me think of Dead Poetic every time I hear the song. If you are unfamiliar with the mentioned song you’ll probably love the song with be no skin off your back but if your a Dead Poetic fan I’m willing to bet it is a distraction. “Smiling Down” fills the ‘feel good’, ’sure to do well as a radio single’ spot, it also slows the tempo up a bit as the only slow song on the album.

The last track of an album really solidifies how I felt about the journey that the record takes you on. “Forever Starts Now” is not mind blowing but it’s just such a solid song which leaves you satisfied. The same way the album as a whole left me feeling. There are parts I’m not crazy about, and there are parts I love but when everything is said and done, it’s a really solid release that people should look into.


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