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Urban Tales - Diary of a No

Release: Urban Tales - Diary of a No

Urban Tales - Diary of a No

01. Prison Inside 4:00
02. In Purity 3:54
03. The Rise 5:09
04. You'll Never Know 5:12
05. Fade Away 4:25
06. Stronger 5:16
07. Fall 3:54
08. Crawl 4:16
09. Until I Died 4:11
10. Farewell 3:45
11. Urban Tales / The End (Bonus Track) 7:54



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Genre : Gothic Metal
Country : Portugal
Streetdate : 21.01.08

"Running away a little from the musical line published in PERIGO DE MORTE, URBAN
TALES have deservedly obtained some airplay in these pages practically since the
inauguration of this blog, to the fact that recognizes quality more than enough
to a project headed by the singer Marcos César after quiting from SOUL DESPAIR.

With the 2006 promocional demo - where we find some of the subjects that are in
the final tracklist of the debut album - URBAN TALES had been considered by many
as the National underground revelation band, but now, with the release of "Diary
Of A No", the first most professional example from the Lisbon's quartet, only
the sky can be the limit.

The 10 talented songs of this passionate, romantic, sentimental and often
involved in a depressing pain and melancholy album, are hair-raising, ambitious,
full of expression and very sensitize.

The Gothic Rock inspiration is the sustenance base of URBAN TALES, and if by
chance, when hearing the CD, we find similarities with other well famously known
acts, it only proves that URBAN TALES make consistent music, with soul, and
mainly credible.

Although instrumentally they show a solid harmony, the main prominence - more
than deserved - goes for frontman Marcos César. The voice of this boy is
versatile and involving, independently of the remaining musical conjuncture.

In resume, "Diary Of A No" is already a must in the portuguese Metal, and can be
become easily in an international success, all dependent of the promotion made
by Burning Star Records. This intemporal album, will full envy some of most
important national labels that didn't want to bet in the guaranteed success of
the new stars made in Portugal."


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