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The Panic Division - Songs from the Glasshouse

Release: The Panic Division - Songs from the Glasshouse

The Panic Division - Songs from the Glasshouse

01. Intro
02. Here We Go
03. Polysix
04. Your Satellite
05. Big Day
06. Stay
07. From the Top
08. Pieces That Mattered
09. Legacy
10. Day You Left
11. Stay (Reprise)
12. Broken Wings
13. Killer Is Born
14. Darkside of You


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Genre : Alternative Rock
Country : USA
Year : 2007

The Panic Division posses innate pop instincts that are complimented by
the presence of electronic loops and keyboard sampling. Their sound has
been defined as Rock music that brings an electronic vibe to dark,
pop-sensible songs. They have the ability to bring a human touch to
a style that tends to sound decidedly mechanical.


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