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Cathedral - The Bridge

Release: Cathedral - The Bridge

Cathedral - The Bridge

1 Monsterhead Suite: parts 1, 2, & 3
2 Satellite
3 Hollins
4 Kithara Interludium
5 Angular World
6 The Lake
7 The Secret


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Genre : Progressive Rock
Country : USA
Year : 2007

A New Release from "Cathedral" the progressive rock group which released the critically acclaimed "Stained Glass Stories" in 1978.

"The Bridge" has been built. The big symphonic sound, the Mellotron, bass pedals, classical guitar, and dramatic themes have been carried over. Three years of experimentation and rehearsal have gone by, more than a year of recording, editing and mixing. Finally "The Bridge" is ready for the public. The classical precepts of progressive music were never far from our mind. The new work pays tribute to it's roots but is also a "bridge " to the Cathedral of the future.We literally had to rediscover our chemistry after thirty years of life experience and new technology. It has been a very challenging journey.
In 1978 "Stained Glass Stories" was recorded above the Palace Theater in the then wild and notorious Times Square of Manhattan. We had a week to do it. The modern Cathedral chose a more serene setting and pace. We spent much of 2006/7 at Ian London studios close to home on the South Shore of Long Island. Deer grazed on the back lawn but inside we were co-producing in the same passionate, intense way that we write our music. Our long time colleague and proprietor of Paris Recording, Brian Unger was brought in to engineer.
The future is now before us. We've already returned to writing, eager to put to use new ideas that have catalyzed from the process of last year.The chemistry is there, new compounds are forming, formulas evolving. Cathedral moves forward.


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