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Alternative Domains

Azureth - The Promethean Syndrome

Release: Azureth - The Promethean Syndrome

Azureth - The Promethean Syndrome

01. The Promethean Syndrome (3:45)
02. Being Alive (6:00)
03. Breakaway (4:02)
04. Chains That Bind (3:57)
05. Beyond the Boundaries (10:04)
06. Flight of Prometheus (4:04)
07. Shadow of a Man II (7:12)
08. Into the Nowhere (6:07)
09. Garden of Ignosense (4:32)
10. A New World (15:44)

Total Time: 65:27


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Genre : Progressive Rock
Country : USA
Year : 2007

- Stephen Rivera / keyboards
- Mark Connors / guitars, bass
- John Wooten / drums
- Rod Chappell / lead & backing vocals, bass
- Vince Font / lead & backing vocals

Azureth captures the essence of Yes, Genesis and Kansas, distilling them into
their very own, more contemporary "Alternative" flavored brand of Progressive
Rock, self evident in songs like "The Lathe Of Heaven", while on the other hand
quoting the finest aspects of Steely Dan's songwriting and story telling crafts,
which can be heard in the poignant space ballad "The Grand Design". All the
same, they manage to rip it up with fiery solos propelling the band into high
speed exchanges and odd time signatures. This international group of progressive
musicians are deeply influenced by the mystical and epic nature of Progressive
Rock, the furious rhythm sections and fiery solos of Jazz-Rock Fusion, along
with the power and raw energy of Progressive Metal.
This international group of progressive rock musicians are influenced by the
mystical and epic nature of of Progressive Rock, the furious and fiery solos of
Jazz-Rock Fusion, and the power and energy of Progressive Metal.


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