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Benedictum - Seasons of Tragedy

Release: Benedictum - Seasons of Tragedy

Benedictum - Seasons of Tragedy

01. Dawn of Seasons 01:26
02. Shell Shock 04:25
03. Burn it Out 03:32
04. Bare Bones 05:12
05. Within the Solace 04:22
06. Beast in the Field 06:37
07. Legacy 05:35
08. Nobodies Victim 04:45
09. Balls to the Wall 05:45
10. Steel Rain 05:46
11. Seasons of Tragedy 11:38

Total playing time 59:03


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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : USA
Streetdate : 11.01.08

San Diego, female fronted Power Metal band BENEDICTUM, initially titled BOUND, cut their debut album 'Uncreation' for an October 2005 release via Locomotive Music. The record was produced by ex-DOKKEN and DIO bassist Jeff Pilson and mixed by Pilson and former WARLOCK bassist Tommy Henriksen. Making a guest guitar appearance would be DIO guitarist CRAIG GOLDY on the track 'Valkyrie Rising' and former WILD HORSES, DIO, WWIII and RAINBOW bassist Jimmy Bain on a cover version of BLACK SABBATH's 'The Mob Rules'.

BENEDICTUM is fronted by the former MALADY pairing of vocalist Veronica Freeman and guitarist Pete Wells.

In June 2006 BENEDICTUM appeared at the 'Gods Of Metal' festival in Milan, Italy prior to putting in headline European dates across the UK, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain. That October BENEDICTUM parted ways with drummer Blackie Sanchez, quoting to "musical differences". He would be replaced by Paul Courtois.

BENEDICTUM, WINTERBORN and headliner DORO teamed up for a European tour beginning in Florence, Italy on December 5th traversing Germany, Austria, Holland and Belgium.

BENEDICTUM released its sophomore album, 'Seasons Of Tragedy', in Europe on January 11th 2008 through Locomotive Records with a US release in March. The record featured a cover version of the ACCEPT classic 'Balls To The Wall' with t digipack edition also including a cover of RAINBOW's 'Catch The Rainbow'. Guest musicians on the CD included guitarist GEORGE LYNCH, George Lynch, the RAGE and GRAVE DIGGER credited Manni Schmidt, bassist Jeff Pilson, of DOKKEN, DIO and FOREIGNER plus Craig Goldy of DIO.


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