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Thy Will Be Done - Was And Is To Come

Release: Thy Will Be Done - Was And Is To Come

Thy Will Be Done - Was And Is To Come

01-Voice Divides
02-Cast the Crown
04-In the Name of ...
05-Reveal Resolution
06-Earths Final Embrace
07-Preserving the Sacred
08-Threshhold of the Spirit
09-Selfless Portrait
10-Was and is and is to come


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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : USA
Year : 2007

Rhode Island based band THY WILL BE DONE provided support for national acts such as the MISFITS, HATEBREED, KILLSWITCH ENGAGE, SHADOWS FALL and CONVERGE. The group issued a full-length debut album, 'Was And Is To Come', on October 23rd 2007 on Stillborn Records. A listening party was held on October 22nd at Club Hell in Providence, Rhode Island. Completed in early 2007, 'Was And Is To Come' featured a guest vocal appearance by Jesse David Leach of SEEMLESS. The album was produced, engineered and mixed by Zeuss with HATEBREED's Jamey Jasta as executive producer.


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