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Mudvayne - By The People For the People

Release: Mudvayne - By The People For the People

Mudvayne - By The People For the People

1. Album Intro 0:11
2. Dig Intro 0:13
3. Dig (Live) 4:27
4. Silenced Intro 0:20
5. Silenced (Demo) 2:59
6. Dull Boy Intro 0:19
7. Dull Boy 4:15
8. Death Blooms Intro 0:23
9. Death Blooms (Demo) 4:24
10. Fall Into Sleep Intro 0:25
11. Fall Into Sleep (Demo) 3:40
12. Not Falling Intro 0:30
13. Not Falling (Demo) 4:02
14. -1 Intro 0:19
15. -1 (Live) 4:48
16. Happy Intro 0:08
17. Happy (Demo) 3:43
18. (Per)version Of A Truth Intro 0:28
19. (Per)version Of A Truth (Demo) 4:41
20. World So Cold Intro 0:00
21. World So Cold (Live) 6:20
22. On The Move Intro 0:08
23. On The Move 3:55
24. Goodbye Intro 0:13
25. Goodbye 6:41
26. Skrying Intro 0:14
27. Skrying (Demo) 5:10
28. All That You Are Intro 0:07
29. All That You Are (Demo) 4:45
30. Forget To Remember Intro 0:16
31. Forget To Remember (Demo) 3:38
32. King Of Pain Intro 0:20
33. King Of Pain 4:36


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Artist : Mudvayne
Album : By The People For the People
Bitrate : 156 kbps avg
Source : CD
Label : Epic Records
Year : 2007
Genre : Alternative
Rip date : 2007-11-21
Store date : 2007-11-27
Encoder : LAME
Size : 113 megs


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