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Indigo Dying - Indigo Dying

Release: Indigo Dying - Indigo Dying

Indigo Dying - Indigo Dying

01. All I Never Wanted 04:40
02. Hear Me 04:16
03. Breathe In Water 04:56
04. Better 04:17
05. Taken 03:56
06. Superman 04:41
07. Island 04:05
08. Remember (I.O.U) 04:33
09. Real Life Fairytale 05:01
10. Far Enough 03:39
11. Shattered Life 04:05
12. Go 04:17


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Genre : Melodic Rock
Country : USA / Italy / Sweden
Streetdate : 07.12.07

Chilean born, out of a surreal mix of Italian, Swiss, German and English descent, Gisa Vatcky is a singer who has been working with an incredible number of amazing artists. The list would include from Andrea Bocelli to Enrique Iglesias, Placido Domingo, Melissa Etherige, Luis Miguel, Perry Farrell, Meat Loaf and more.

Indigo Dying is Gisa’s debut as lead vocalist on an album and is a studio project put together specifically to develop her talents by Frontiers Records President Serafino Perugino and LA-based producer Fabrizio Grossi (Glenn Hughes, Starbreaker). The goal was to find some suitable songs which could encompass a taste for more contemporary Hard Rock and Metal songs for a female singer so gifted as Gisa is.

Musicians include Mordechai "Mordy" Hauser (guitar), Fabrizio Grossi (bass, orchestrations, programming, acoustic guitar), John Macaluso (drums) ex TNT, Malmsteen and Riot, Jamie Teramo (keyboards, piano), and Tommy Denander on additional guitars.

Former Helloween singer Michael Kiske appears singing a duet in the song "Breathe in Water", while former Malmsteen and Ring of Fire shouter Mark Boals guests on vocals on “Superman” and “Fair Enough”.

The resulting album is a fascinating and capturing experience is a musical world that has no boundaries. From the Modern, almost Gothic influences of “All In Never Wanted”, to the eerie atmospheres of “Breathe In Water”, to the more hard rocking approach of “Island” this album has plenty to offer to the dedicated listener.

Enjoy the talent of a new amazing talent and live a truly rewarding musical experience with Indigo Dying !


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