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Devil's Dandruff - Suicide Lifestyle

Release: Devil's Dandruff - Suicide Lifestyle

Devil's Dandruff - Suicide Lifestyle

01.On the Loose
04.Big Wheel
05.The Strange
06.Somebody to Love
07.Flyin´ Away
08.Break it Down
10.Give it Up
11.Radio Zombie
12.Mr. Cleancut

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Genre : Hard Rock
Country : Spain
Year : 2007

Down the sunny south coast of Spain you find Málaga, famous for its typical warm weather, sunny beaches, tourists with sandals and white socks,
flamenco and fried fish...but not much rock n´ roll though, unfortunately. Luckily, this is changing, and the rock scene seems to be picking up pace,
with new and interesting rock bands coming up.

Devil´s Dandruff are one the most interesting acts lately. The band was born in Málaga in 2002, and after a couple of line-up changes, they seem
to have found stability and a great level of creativity. They have won one of the biggest national rock competitions in Spain, and they are already touring
around the country, achieving a lot of success everywhere they go. One of the most influent radio rock shows, directed by Carlos Pina, regularly plays their
debut, self-produced album "Suicide Lifestyle", mastered by Justin Schultz at the Sterling Sound Studios, New York.

Please check out this debut Suicide Lifestyle, where you will find a collection of some of the songs they perform in their shows, which are full of
energy, soul and passion. Describing Suicide Lifestyle is not easy, since the band has its own personality, and it would not be fair to just compare them with one or two bands. Of course, their music must be the result of years of listening to many different bands of all times, including ac/dc, the cult, motorhead,motley crue,gluecifer,ramones,thin lizzy,rolling stones,hellacopters,the stooges,kiss,the who,black sabbath,supersuckers,backyard babies and much more.


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