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Laura - (Re)capitulate

Release: Laura - (Re)capitulate

Laura - (Re)capitulate

01. intro 02:11
02. its kind of like the innocent smiles you get 04:37
03. we should keep this secret 03:17
04. radio swan is down (part 1) 05:09
05. fugitive 07:17
06. i hope 05:24
07. is there no help for the widows son 08:31


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Artist--: Laura
_ Title---: (Re)capitulate
Label---: Alone Again Records
Genre---: Instrumental Rock 10.26.2007 10.27.2007
Source--: CDDA
_ _ Encoder-: LAME
_ Ripper--: Team ZzZz
_ Quality-: avgkbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo
_ Tracks--: 07
__ Size----: 558 MB


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