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Hellixxir - War Within

Release: Hellixxir - War Within

Hellixxir - War Within

Genre : Thrash Metal
Country : France
Year : 2007

Line-Up :
Guitars: Matthieu Laforet
Guitars: Alex Ploton
Vocals: Julien Tournoud
Bass: Camille Marquet
Drums: Romain Charbonnier

After some line-up changes and a beginning of career which was a bit messy, Hellixxir, a young combo from Grenoble in France, have finally released this year its first album on the French label Brennus music, a label which is famous to discover young French killer bands by the way. One more time, Alain Ricard the manager of Brennus, was not wrong when he signed them because with their first album, the guys of Hellixxir already proves that they're already among the most promising combo from the country. We will hear a lot of good things about this band, you'll see…

"War Within" is a sweet mixing of different music. Between Heavy and Thrash, with some cool atmospheric passages produces by some guitars arpeggios, the first album of the band is a real success. The songs are all really good with a cool atmosphere but strong riffs, it's Heavy Metal but it's thrashy too and you can compare it a bit too the olds Metallica (but it's not pure Thrash don't forget it!) or even Nevermore, without however the anger and craziness of the American combo. "War Within" is surprising because the band already seems to be mature and some songs like "Mr Hyde" don't suffer of any comparisons with the compositions of some so-called confirmed bands. It simply works and if you like to listen to great catchy Heavy Metal and if you like American Heavy, this album is a must for you.

You have to know too that "War Within" is a real concept album. The songs are all linked and talk about the duality of the spirit of the human being which means that we have complex and intelligent lyrics which will please all the fans of psychological stories. It's good to listen to the album because it's not only "music" and you also have something to read, something to understand. Also the production of the album is really good. The sound is near to be perfect and I only regret sometime that the drums seem to be a bit un-mixed in comparison of the other instruments but all in all, for a first album it's a good job. We have nice compositions, great musicianship, a great production and above all real hits.

"War Within" will be is a success no doubt and if you like Dark thrashy Heavy metal believe me, this is a must. I really hope that the band will find the way to confirm all my hopes on their next release because if they manage to do it, you can be sure that they will become a major combo of the French Metal scene. Give a try to "War Within" please and I'm sure that you'll fall in love with the music of Hellixxir.


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