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Y3K - Retribution

Release: Y3K - Retribution

Y3K - Retribution

01. Roba el Khaliyeh 01:00
02. The Creeping Chaos 04:14
03. Eternity in the Chalice 04:07
04. Domo Arigato Gozai Mashita 04:28
05. Eihwas Raised to the Sky 04:29
06. A Land Unknown For All 05:17
07. The Four Arms of Astaroth 04:26
08. First Shall Be Five 07:35


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Genre : Black Metal
Country : Spain
Year : 2007


S.Scimoth (vocals), L. Shihan (vocals / guitar), Sacha (guitar), The Angel (bass), Rhadamantys (keyboards), Lord Of The Sea (drums)

Y3K, a Valencia Black Metal band featuring L. Shihan of ETERNAL DREAM, recorded the 2005 single 'The Four Arms Of Astaroth'.


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