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Dolls of Pain - Slavehunters

Release: Dolls of Pain - Slavehunters

Dolls of Pain - Slavehunters

01. Shiver (00:53)
02. Douleur (05:18)
03. Satan Dies (05:06)
04. Precious Tears (05:24)
05. Like Me (04:42)
06. Torture (05:39)
07. Bondage (04:15)
08. Insomnie ( 05:43)
09. Slave-H (05:20)
10. Emprise (08:04)
11. Your Fault (05:02)
12. Sacrifice ( feat.DDDMix ) (05:07)
13. My Bloody Slave (04:15 )


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Erscheinungstermin: 22 Juni 2007

Qualität: Vbr

Genre: Dark Electro/Fetish

Brand New second album from French Dark Electro / Fetish outfit Dolls Of Pain : “Slavehunter” demonstrates a much more polished and professional sound than on their debut ( “Dec[a]dance” ) - with themes and atmospheres again aimed straight for the dancefloor with a mixture of VNV Nation melodies and Amduscia cyber EBM with powerful and effective Dark Electro tracks that incorporate strong Gothic synth melodies, fat sequences, EBM dance beats and distorted vocals. These soundscapes come across best in the songs “Like Me”, “Torture”, “Bondage”, “Slave-H”, “Your Fault” and especially “Sacrifice”…
Overall “Slavehunter” is a major step forward for this emerging French Dark Electro band…


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