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Unkle - War Stories (Promo)

Release: Unkle - War Stories (Promo)

Unkle - War Stories (Promo)

01. Intro
02. Chemistry (feat. Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age)
03. Hold My Hand
04. Restless (feat. Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age)
05. Keys To The Kingdom (feat. Gavin Clark from Clayhill)
06. Price You Pay
07. Burn My Shadow (feat. Ian Astbury from The Cult)
08. May Day (feat. The Dute Spirit)
09. Persons & Machinery (feat. Autolux)
10. Twilight (feat. 3D from Massive Attack)
11. Morning Rage
12. Lawless
13. Broken (feat. Gavin Clark from Clayhill)
14. When Things Explode (feat. Ian Astbury from The Cult)


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Label: Surrender All
Release date: July 2nd, 2007
Genre: Electronic, leftfield
Format: LAME VBR

James Lavelle's UNKLE project returns with a new album this summer. ‘War Stories’ will be released in early July.

As usual with UNKLE, the album features a swag of guest vocalists, including Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age, Ian Astbury from The Cult and 3D from Massive Attack. As the vocalist choices suggest, ‘War Stories’ album promises to shift UNKLE’s sound in a more rock direction: Queens of the Stone Age producer Chris Goss helps out behind the decks, while most of the instrumentation on the album is played live.

Lavelle makes his vocal debut on the album, singing on ‘Hold My Hand’ as well as dueting with Richard File on ‘Morning Rage’.

The album artwork features specially commissioned paintings by Massive Attack’s 3D. The limited edition CD contains a 50-page booklet and the main album will have a 32-page booklet, both of which will feature photographs taken in the Joshua Tree, where the album was partly recorded.


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