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Grendel - Harsh Generation (Ldt. Edition)

Release: Grendel - Harsh Generation (Ldt. Edition)

Grendel - Harsh Generation (Ldt. Edition)


01 Intro 00:22
02 Harsh Generation 03:55
03 Void Malign 04:43
04 The Judged Ones 04:41
05 Remnants 04:41
06 B.a.a.l. (Deliver Me) 04:40
07 Dirty 04:18
08 Hate This 04:18
09 New Flesh 04:25
10 Outro 02:54


01 Remnants (Die Sektor Remix) 04:29
02 Void Malign (Amduscia Remix) 05:42
03 Hate This (Northborne Remix) 05:19
04 Remnants (Soman Remix) 04:46
05 Judged Ones (Fractured Remix) 04:15
06 Void Malign (Dawn Of Ashes Remix) 04:35
07 Hate This (X-Fusion Remix) 04:02
08 Dirty (Urkom Remix) 04:12
09 Hate This (Caustic Remix) 04:16
10 Judged Ones (C-Drone Defect Remix) 06:55



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ARTiST....[ Grendel
TiTLE.....[ Harsh Generation
GENRE.....[ Electronic
LABEL.....[ Infacted
KHZ.......[ 44,1
MODE......[ VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo
ENCODER...[ Lame 3.97
REL.DATE..[ May-04-2007

One of the most eagerly expected releases on the Harsh Electro
scene this year comes from German giants Grendel : Their Brand
New album comes as a Limited First Edition Double CD of just
2000 copies - This Limited Edition comes complete with a full
length Bonus CD including Remixes from Soman, Northborne,
Amduscia, X-Fusion and more.

Expect Hardcore Electro assaults, dancefloor darkness and full
on EBM power from one of the top bands of the Electro scene...


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