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Carptree - Insekt

Release: Carptree - Insekt

Carptree - Insekt

01. Taxonomic days (5:29)
02. Mashed potato mountain man (6:52)
03. The secret (6:20)
04. Pressure (7:13)
05. Sliding down a slippery slope (4:59)
06. My index finger (6:27)
07. Slow corrosion of character (5:53)
08. Evening sadness (5:57)
09. Where your thoughts move with ease (4:59)
10. Big surprise (6:54)
11. Stressless (4:07)


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Genre : Progressive Rock
Country : Sweden
Year : 2007

Already with the first three albums, the Swedes Carl Westholm and Niclas have created their own kind of distinctive sound world. The combination of Flinck’s characteristic voice and Westholm’s extraordinary arrangements didn’t make it any easier in 2007 to put Carptree into a specific genre: Experimental neo prog perhaps? Listen to ‘Insekt , be amazed and decide for yourself.
As already on the former InsideOut release ‘Man Made Machine’, the ‘No Future Orchestra’ was involved here too.

Symphonic, Progressive but not retro. The lineage of early GENESIS or Peter GABRIEL among others may be there but still CARPTREE is not retro. The musicians get high marks for inventiveness and all-around cleverness. Others mentioned when people describe CARPTREE are MARILLION, JADIS, PENDRAGON, DIVE, PORCUPINE TREE... "We thought this level of songwriting, melodic sensibility, and emotional impact had all but disappeared from Progressive rock.".


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