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Sun Caged - Artemisia

Release: Sun Caged - Artemisia

Sun Caged - Artemisia

01. Lyre's Harmony
02. A Fair Trade
03. Unborn
04. Bloodline
05. Painted Eyes
06. Engelbert the Inchworm
07. Afraid to Fly
08. Dialogue
09. Departing Words
10. Doldrums


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Genre : Progressive Metal
Country : Holland

(VÖ 23.03.07)

SUN CAGED is an adventurous Progressive Metal band that features no less than four current members of the JOE SATRIANI cover band TIME MACHINE in guitarist Marcel Coenen, bass player Rob van der Loo, keyboard player Joest van der Broek and drummer Dennis Leeflang. The latter also cites previous membership with premier Doom act WITHIN TEMPTATION as well as NEMESIS and TREASON. Coenen was previously a member of ProgRock act LEMUR VOICE, APOGEE and Speed Metal formation SPEEDICA. Van der Loo's prior tenures number AGONY, ANGUISH and SOULCATCHER.

SUN CAGED came together in the Spring of 1999, issuing the 2000 'Scar Winter' demo before enlisting van der Broek and vocalist Sascha Burchardt. During 2000 Rob van der Loo helped forge the Progressive, Groove Metal band TRIPLE 7 but would defect in December of that year to prioritise SUN CAGED. The 'Dominion' EP arrived in October of 2001. SUN CAGED replaced Burchardt with Andre Vuurboom of IMPERIUM and VERA in May of 2002.

Marcel Coenen also operated with FIFTH and Heavy Metal band STORMRIDER, the latter in alliance with CHEMICAL BREATH guitarist Rene Rockx. Both Coenen and van der Loo would session on ex-DREAMSCAPE singer HUBI MEISEL's solo album of 2002 'Cut'. SUN CAGED added new drummer Roel Van Helden, also active with DELPHIAN, in December of 2003. The band suffered a double blow in May of 2004, losing keyboard player Joost van der Broek to AFTER FOREVER and also cutting ties with singer Andre Vuurboom. These defections caused the band to pull out of scheduled performances at the July 'Dwergpop' festival in Driebergen and the 'Weistock' festival in Lottum. However, the group would maintain a presence at 'Weistock', with drummer Roel Van Helden, guitarist Marcel Coenen and bassist Rob van der Loo putting on a KISS tribute show in alliance with Rob's brother Tim on second guitar and ex-SUN CAGED singer Sascha Burchardt. As July closed the band announced the recruitment of keyboard player Rene Kroon.

Rob van der Loo readied a solo project in the latter half of 2004, this venture seeing guest guitar coming from the esteemed figure of the DEATH, CANCER, TESTAMENT and DISINCARNATE credited JAMES MURPHY. Later that year guitarist Marcel Coenen set to work on a solo album whilst former SUN CAGED vocalist Andre Vuurboom got into with his new project SPHERE OF SOULS. This band featured another erstwhile SUN CAGED man, Joost van den Broek on keyboards, alongside Surinam born ANAND MAHANGOE on of ANAND guitars, Kees Harrison of AUTUMN EQUINOX repute on bass and ex-IMPERIUM drummer Patrick Gerritzen.

SUN CAGED announced the addition of new singer Paul Adrian Villarreal of WOODEN BADGER and THE ORDER in December. 2005 found MARCEL COENEN wrapping up a second solo upus whilst Rob van der Loo worked up a new Progressive Rock project entitled FREAK NEIL INC. for an album entitled 'Characters' in October. SUN CAGED themselves recorded a second album for issue through Lion Music. Longtime SUN CAGED bassist Rob Van Der Loo parted ways with the band in February 2006. A replacement, Roel Vink, was announced in April.

MARCEL COENEN issued the DVD 'A Live Time Journey' in September 2006 via Lion Music, featuring an entire solo show performed on January 28th 2006 in Weert, Holland.


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