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Freedom Call - Dimensions

Release: Freedom Call - Dimensions

Freedom Call - Dimensions

01. Demons dance
02. Innocent world
03. United alliance
04. Mr. Evil
05. Queen of my world
06. Light up the sky
07. Words of endeavour
08. Blackened sun
09. Dimensions
10. My dying paradise
11. Magic moments
12. Far away


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Genre : Heavy Metal
Country : Germany

(VÖ 20.04.07)


Chris Bay (vocals / guitar), Sascha Gerstner (guitar), Ilker Ersin (bass), Dan Zimmermann (drums)

FREEDOM CALL arrived brandishing a refined Euro Melodic Speed Metal style with the 1999 opening shot 'Stairway To Fairyland' that soon propelled the band into German charts. The band numbered in their ranks the well known figure of drummer Dan Zimmermann, known for his Pop days with HEINZ and more importantly Metal bands LANZER, GAMMA RAY and IRON SAVIOR.

Both Zimmermann and vocalist Chris Bay had in their formative years been active with covers band CHINA WHITE and then LANZER. Bay would keep in touch with Zimmermann throughout the years, the singer working with MOON'DOC. This last act of Bay's would also feature FREEDOM CALL bassist Ilker Ersin. The band debuted live in Grenoble, France during May 1999 supporting ANGRA and EDGUY. Later gigs across Europe in November found the band as special guests to Brit vets SAXON.

In Japan a mini album, 'Taragon', was also released the same year by JVC Victor. Quite surreally this disc included FREEDOM CALL's take on the ULTRAVOX hit 'Dancing With Tears In My Eyes'. SAXON's Biff Byford would lend his tonsils to the narrative on 'Tears Of Taragon'.

The 'Crystal Empire' album, recorded in Hamburg, Nuremberg, and Erlangen under the aegis's of producers Chris Bay, Dan Zimmermann and Charlie Bauerfiend, saw ROUGH SILK and AXEL RUDI PELL keyboard player Ferdy Doernberg guesting on keyboards. Touring throughout the early part of 2001 had FREEDOM CALL backing the album on the road in Germany as part of a package billing with HAMMERFALL and VIRGIN STEELE. 'Crystal Empire' would peak at no. 94 in the national German album charts.

In September of 2001 guitarist Sascha Gerstner, having joined premier league act HELLOWEEN, was supplanted by Cedric Dupont of SYMPHORCE. FREEDOM CALL toured Scandinavia during October of 2002 supported by FULL STRIKE. Shows alongside BLIND GUARDIAN would be recorded for the live album 'Live Invasion', this package also adding the 'Tears Of Taragon' tracks previously only available in Japan. The band united with METALIUM and DARK AGE for the European 'Wacken Road Show 2004' commencing in late April.

FREEDOM CALL cut drum recordings at Kai Hansen of GAMMA RAY's studios in Hamburg during August before moving on to Nuremburg to finish a new album, lent a working title of 'Circle Of Life'. Cedric Dupont exited in July of 2005.

Bassist Ilker Ersin quit in September, announcing a brand new act entitled POWERWORLD. He would later be joined by keyboard player Nils Neumann in this venture. FREEDOM CALL, with new ex-PARADOX bass player Armin Donderer installed, got back into live action in April 2006 as European support to RAGE.

FREEDOM CALL released a new album, 'Dimensions', in 2007. The group supported DRAGONFORCE on their German tour dates in April.


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