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Hargos - Shadows of Violence

Release: Hargos - Shadows of Violence

Hargos - Shadows of Violence

01. Dream of Liberty 01:33
02. Hero Betrayed 06:06
03. Tsunami 03:34
04. Carnage 03:55
05. The Beginning 06:48
06. Baghded 05:55
07. Silent Angel 05:01
08. In Metal Town (Wake Up the Mountains) 05:17
09. Chaotic City 04:06
10. Born in Hell 06:39


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Genre : Progresive Melodic Thrash Metal
Country : Brasil
Year : 2007


Breno Lorenzo (vocals), Reinaldo Alves (guitar), Vinicius Ligano (bass), Gustavo Firmino (keyboards), Helder Lima (drums)

Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Heavy Metal band HARGOS, titled after the Greek hundred eyed mythological god Argos, was founded in June 2004 by vocalist Breno Lorenzo and guitar player Reinaldo Alves. The group was rounded out by second guitarist Mauro Santhiago, drummer Marcelo Lima and bass player John Guaçeroni.

In early 2004 HARGOS underwent a radical membership change, introducing new members bassist Vinicíus Ligano, drummer Helder Nenem and Thiago Valadão on keyboards. Album recordings, dubbed 'Shadows Of Violence', were conducted with EMINENCE guitarist Alan Wallace acting as producer and Stanley Soares, of SEPULTURA and MOTÖRHEAD repute, as engineer. Guest contributors included Wallace Parreiras from EMINENCE, Marcus Viana of SHAAMAN and Isabela Santos of ROSA IGNEA on the ballad 'Silent Angel'. Upon completion of these sessions Valadão exited, replaced in June by Gustavo Firmino.


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