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Minsk - The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment

Release: Minsk - The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment

Minsk - The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment

1. Embers
2. White Wings
3. Mescaline Sunrise
4. The Orphans Of Piety
5. Circle Of Ashes
6. Ceremony Ek Stas


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Genre : Stoner/Space Rock

Peoria, Illinois based MINSK, named after the historical Belorussian city, formed in 2002, releasing the demo 'Burning' the following year. For these sessions original bassist Jeff Hyde made a return to the ranks, replacing Jared Madigan. However, Hyde exited soon after. MINSK enrolled former CEDARS OF LEBANON drummer Anthony Couri in August 2003. Live work saw Joel Madigan of TWO GIRLS deputising on bass.

In 2004 MINSK contributed the new track 'The White Wings of Death Scatter Our Days', produced by BURIED AT SEA bassist Sanford Parker, to the Thinker Thought Records compilation album 'If It Plays'. That July Drew McDowell of LAURA'S AGENT, THE RETALIATION PROJECT and RYE FIELD CRANE on bass.

At A Loss Recordings released MINSK's full-length debut album 'Out Of A Center Which Is Neither Dead Nor Alive' in August 2005. This outing would be produced by Sanford Parker once again, who, in the course of recording, joined the band as bass player. MINSK notably performed at the 'South by Southwest' music festival in Austin, Texas and the 'Emissions from the Monolith' Doom festival in Youngstown, Ohio. Nationwide US dates spanned through September and October.

In early 2006 the band donated their rendition 'Ruptured Heart theory' of to raise funds for the EYEHATEGOD musicians on the Emetic Records assembled benefit CD 'For The Sick - A Tribute To Eyehategod'.


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