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Year Of Desolation - Year Of Desolation

Release: Year Of Desolation - Year Of Desolation

Year Of Desolation - Year Of Desolation

01. Elitist Death Squad
02. Running The Gauntlet
03. Suffer Thy Nemesis
04. Erasing Your Existence
05. The Economy of Excess
06. Forged In The Flames of Malcontent
07. Gorge
08. 593
09. The Cleansing
10. Consume The Destroyer
11. All In Vain


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Genre : Thrash Metal
(VÖ 02.02.07)

Indianapolis Melodic Thrash Metal band. In early 2004 Joey Roberts exited and Jason Carr was installed on drums. In July the band suffered further changes with bassist Chad Barber opting out, being replaced by Mike V., and guitarist Mike Collier was superseded by Ryan Green. With the album 'Your Blood, My Vendetta' completed the band then saw Green depart in December 2004. YEAR OF DESOLATION brought in guitarist Josh Kappell in January 2005 and drafted new drummer Jake Omen later that same year. This new formation duly crafted a three track demo.

YEAR OF DESOLATION signed to Los Angeles based Prosthetic Records in February 2006. The band hooked up with the TONY DANZA TAPDANCE EXTRAVAGANZA for shows in April before cutting an album with producer Jamie King at Basement Studios. Further shows throughout July and August saw a union with 7TH PLAGUE and CERBERUS. The band hooked up with Indiana Thrashers BURN IN SILENCE for dates across August into October. The band then lined up with INCANTATION and INTERNAL SUFFERING for a further US tour, opened up another lengthy US tour commencing November 1st 2006 at the Modern Exchange in Southgate, Michigan.


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