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Al Green - The Definitive Greatest Hits

Release: Al Green - The Definitive Greatest Hits

Al Green - The Definitive Greatest Hits

1. Let's Stay Together 3:16
2. Tired Of Being Alone 2:50
3. Take Me To The River 3:41
4. I'm Still In Love With You 3:10
5. Look What You Done For me 3:04
6. Here I Am (Come and Take Me) 4:12
7. Love And Happiness 5:05
8. Keep Me Cryin' 3:05
9. Call Me (Come Back Home) 3:01
10. Livin' For You 3:08
11. Let's Get Married 5:32
12. Sha La La (Make Me Happy) 2:56
13. L-O-V-E (Love) 3:05
14. You Ought To Be With Me 3:13
15. Oh Me, Oh My (Dreams In My 2:46
16. Full Of Fire 5:10
17. Back Up Train 2:17
18. I Can't Get Next To You 3:46
19. Belle 4:47
20. I Can't Stop 3:46
21. Perfect To Me 4:07


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ARTIST: Al Green
TITLE: The Definitive Greatest Hits
LABEL: Capitol Records
BITRATE: 216kbps avg
PLAYTIME: 1h 15m total
RELEASE DATE: 2007-00-00
RIP DATE: 2007-01-12


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