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Hydrogyn - Bombshell

Release: Hydrogyn - Bombshell

Hydrogyn - Bombshell

01-Vesper's Song
03-Look Away SP
04-Breaking Me Down
05-I've Been Waiting
07-Love Spoke
08-Back In Black
09-The Sand
12-Book of Names
13-Come Back To Me
14-Mutilated Mind


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Genre : Hard Rock
Year : 2006

Beauty is only skin deep, but expectations are high with the new release by Hydrogyn, “Bombshell”. The highly volatile and sensual female lead vocalist Julie sends me back in time, with a band from the 80’s: Toronto, with lead singer Holly Woods. Julie’s vocals bellow sexuality and rock with the best of them.

This is pure classic hard rock with a seductive added edge. Listen to pulsating riffs and searing guitar licks, and when Julie’s pipes come into play you have delight. “Look Away SP” is sharp, and even with a mild chorus will entice you. To experience Hydrogyn’s diversity, check out “Breaking Me Down:” it starts off slow with some melodic guitar and jumps into a memorable classic tune with magnetic vocals. Legendary producer Michael Wagener (Alice Cooper) takes hold of the production and makes the release magic, even making Hydrogyn’s cover of AC/DC’s “Back in Black” special.

The songwriting on “Bombshell” is above the top: they should have no problem attaining commercial success with Julie’s range behind the mic and the influential strumming of Jeff Westlake. This is a CD that should be added to your collection.

Highlight track: “Breaking Me Down”


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